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As per Google Scholar, his total citations are 6631 with h-index of 41 and i10-index of 126. Web of Science och Scopus motsvarande tjänster är att Google täcker in h-index och i10 index. h-index försöker mäta både produktivitet och  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3443-9914. Emailcarola.ruizhornblas@mq.edu.au, carola.ruizhornblas@hdr.mq.edu.au. 4 Citations Source: Scopus; 1 h-Index av E Sjöstedt · 2014 — ser mellan individer och använder sig inte av h-index eller liknande andra internationella databaser med breda ansatser är Elseviers Scopus  av K Granholm · 2013 — Google Scholar och Scopus rangordnar till skillnad från Web of Knowledge inte tidskrifter efter impact factor, utan använder sig i stället av h-index som indi-.

H index scopus

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Useful For. A short screencast showing how to obtain a H-index for an author from www.scopus.com 2007-11-28 · This paper compares the h-indices of a list of highly-cited Israeli researchers based on citations counts retrieved from the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar respectively. In several case the results obtained through Google Scholar are considerably different from the results based on the Web of Science and Scopus. Data cleansing is discussed extensively. Scopus gives four types of quality measure for each title; those are h-Index, CiteScore, SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) and SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper). The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus. 2014-02-21 · Scopus.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric With the Scopus h-factor, you can easily realize the researcher’s value as it assesses both his impact and productivity. In this article, we will elaborate on how to learn an author h-index on Scopus – one of the most selective abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed research literature, books, journals, and conference proceedings. Se hela listan på benchfly.com See below some of the most commonly used databases that help authors find their H-index values: Elsevier’s Scopus: Includes Citation Tracker, a feature that shows how often an author has been cited.

När man anger hur många citeringar eller vilket h-index man har ska man därför också ange vilken databas man Scopus & Scopus Authors.

The following resources will calculate an h-index: Scopus. Web of Science. Google Scholar. Pure (MD Anderson Faculty and Fellows listed) Keep in mind that different databases will give different values for the h-index.

Scopus täcker över 15 tusen vetenskapliga tidskrifter från fyra tusen vetenskapliga Värdet på h-index enligt Scopus-data är ofta lägre än i Web of Science.

H index scopus

As with the impact factor, journal h-index does not take 2020-01-22 What this page is about. This page is part of a larger set of rankings for research items, serials, authors and institutions made available on this site. A FAQ is available..

How to use Scopus to calculate your h-index Step 1: The Scopus author search form First, open the Scopus author search form or the free version if you do not have Step 2: Selecting the correct entry from the author results We are lucky with our search for Stephen Hawking as Scopus' Step 3: The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar.
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Useful For. A short screencast showing how to obtain a H-index for an author from www.scopus.com 2007-11-28 · This paper compares the h-indices of a list of highly-cited Israeli researchers based on citations counts retrieved from the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar respectively. In several case the results obtained through Google Scholar are considerably different from the results based on the Web of Science and Scopus. Data cleansing is discussed extensively.

In Scopus you can calculate it on any set of results; it does not have to be papers belonging to just one author. In Scopus, the h -index is not a static value; it is calculated live on a set of results each time you look it up.
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Om du väljer "Author search" i Web of Science och Scopus eller söker en författares namn i Google Scholar kan du hitta författarens H-index samt 

For Scopus  Nov 19, 2020 Please contact Information Specialists for more information on this process. Tools for Determining H-Index: Scopus provides citation tracking and  Nov 4, 2019 You could also use any other service that tracks citations, such as Web of Science. In Scopus, for example, you simply need to search for the  Our results showed a stronger relationship and increased agreement between raters when calculating the h-index of a scientist using Scopus compared to WoS. Some of the concepts discussed in this section (like the h-index versus the g- index) may sound overly technical or complex. In fact, all of the indicators we  Oct 20, 2018 To describe the h-index as a measure of scientific output. Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar are the most widely used citation  Jun 5, 2018 The h-index of Scopus is used as an important and practical instrument in analyzing the scientific level of researchers. In this research, 6  May 29, 2020 Scopus - multi-disciplinary citation database of peer-reviewed literature with tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Citations from 1996.