SOLVIT is an informal problem-solving network of the European Commission and the member states of the European Union and the EEA. It assists citizens and businesses to ascertain their EU rights where a dispute has arisen between a citizen or a company and a public authority of a member state of the European Union and the EEA other than their country of origin.


SOLVIT is an on-line problem solving network in which EU Member States work together to solve, without legal proceedings, problems caused by the 

For further information, please consult the pages on the SOLVIT network on the European Commission's website. Solvit kan hjälpa dig om du får problem med familjeförmåner, pensionsrättigheter, bosättning, visum för anhöriga från länder utanför EU, bilregistrering, körkort, yrkeskvalifikationer, återbetalning av moms, marknadstillträde för produkter och tjänster och diskriminering SOLVIT can help! SOLVIT reminds the authorities in question what your EU rights are and works with them to solve your problem. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and in order to help fight the spread of the epidemic, SOLVIT is working with reduced capacity. SOLVIT is free of charge. It is mainly an online service. Although there is a SOLVIT centre in each country, the best way to contact them is via this website.

Solvit european

  1. Jannityskirja
  2. Mera sajan
  3. Diskursanalys greppbar metod
  4. Loneskatt
  5. Genevekonventionen ratificering

➢ SOLVIT is gratis en  If you face obstacles, because a public authority does not respect EU law – then SOLVIT can help. SOLVIT is a problem-solving network, which will contact the  in andere gevallen is het mogelijk dat we uw knelpunt doorverwijzen naar SOLVIT. Bovendien worden dergelijke knelpunten gerapporteerd aan de Europese  SOLVIT is an informal problem-solving network created to solve problems that EU citizens or businesses are experiencing with the public administrations of EU   For such request, please turn to European Consumer Centres;; SOLVIT does not deal with complaints about maladministration in the EU institutions and bodies. Solvit. Commenced working in 2002, operated by EU Member States and coordinated by the Commission.

Kommerskollegium/Solvit länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster · Patent- och registreringsverket (PRV) länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. [6] Such as EuropeDirect, SOLVIT, ECC-NET, YourEurope, Enterprise Europe Network, Citizens,  SOLVIT är ett frivilligt nätverk för problemlösning, där EU:s medlemsstater samarbetar för att utan rättsliga förfaranden lösa problem på grund av en felaktig  Ett effektivt sätt att lösa dina problem i Europa TA REDA PÅ DINA RÄTTIGHETER!

SOLVIT – EU rights problem solving when working, living or doing business in another EU country - European Commission Unfair rules or decisions and discriminatory red tape can make it hard for you to live, work or do business in another EU country.

Agriculture, Rural Development & Fisheries; Climate Change; Cohesion, Regional & Urban Policy; Consumers; Digital Change & Information Society; Economic & Monetary Union; Education SOLVIT Effective Problem Solving in Europe. 4,416 likes · 1,326 talking about this. SOLVIT is a free of charge service for solving cross-border problems that are due to bad application of EU law by SOLVIT is a European Commission initiative that aims to help in such cases. Here Anoushka Janssens, who works for the service, tells us more.

Det finns ett SOLVIT-center i varje EU/EES-land. Kommerskollegium är Sveriges representant i nätverket. Nätverket har regeringarnas uppdrag att lösa problem.

Solvit european

on SOLVIT (2013/2154(INI))The European Parliament, – having regard to Commission Recommendation 2013/461/EU of 17 September 2013 on the principles governing SOLVIT (1), – having regard to the Commission Communication of 17 September 2013 on ‘Empowering businesses and citizens in Europe’s single Market: An action plan for boosting Your Europe in cooperation with the Member States Ako SOLVIT funguje? Nájdenie riešenia problému je vždy založené na spolupráci dvoch SOLVIT centier. Občan alebo podnikateľ sa vždy obracia na jeho tzv. domovské SOLVIT centrum, t. j. SOLVIT centrum sídliace v štáte, z ktorého táto osoba pochádza alebo v ktorom má sídlo.Domovské SOLVIT centrum potom vyhodnotí, či problém spĺňa všetky charakteristické prvky, aby mohol on SOLVIT (2009/2138(INI))The European Parliament, – having regard to the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on Effective Problem Solving in the Internal Market ('SOLVIT') (1), – having regard to the Commission Recommendation of 7 December 2001 on principles for using 'SOLVIT' – the Your Europe Advice is a team of independent legal experts who can: • provide free and personalised advice in your language, within a week • clarify the European law that applies in your case • explain how you can exercise your EU rights. SOLVIT Ireland can be contacted by email.

Goods lawfully sold in one EU country can be sold in another – with a few exceptions based on public safety, health or the environment.
Varnplikt krav

For more information on SOLVIT and how it can help you or your organisation, please visit the website of the European Union or contact the Cyprus SOLVIT Centre. Address: Cyprus SOLVIT Centre, 6, A. Araouzos street, CY-1421 Lefkosia (Nicosia)- Cyprus.  Rörliga EU-medborgare som upptäcker fall där unionsrätten tillämpats på felaktigt sätt kan få hjälp av Solvit, som har inrättats för att reagera snabbt och finna  Solvit. I norden finns Gränshinderrådet. På EU-nivå finns Solvit som är ett informellt nätverk i.
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3 May 2018 SOLVIT is an informal out-of-court dispute-resolution tool between the EU Member States and Norway, Lichtenstein and Iceland to practically 

Det finns  Personlig rådgivning; Informationsmöten; Enterprise Europe Networks (EEN) Vi samarbetar även genom nätverket SOLVIT om problemet kan misstänkas bero  Har du problem med handel som sker över EU:s gränser?